Target Specific:

Three Gorges Dam / China - perspective: from the camera's perspective as shown in the photograph below (at the moment that the below photograph was taken)

Target Description:

As per the photograph below. The Three Gorges Dam is under construction in the photograph.

Here is the photograph of the target:


Here are the SAM input data for the target:

surface: surface
surface: irregular topology
land: land
land: natural
land: irregular topology
land: steep peaks
water: water
water: land/water interface
atmospherics: natural smells
atmospherics: manmade smells
surface structure(s): surface structure(s)
surface structure(s): one
surface structure(s): multiple
surface structure(s): subjects on base surface outside
structure(s) materials: natural materials
structure(s) materials: manmade materials
structure(s) general location: on land
natural object(s): natural object(s)
natural object(s): on a surface
subject(s): subject(s)
subject(s): male
subject(s): female
subject(s): one/few
mountain: mountain(s)
mountain: one
mountain: multiple
light: bright
environment: natural
environment: extensive foliage
activity: activity or movement by subject(s)
activity: activity or movement by object(s)
sounds: talking, shouting, voices
sounds: loud
temperatures: moderate
dominant session elements: structure(s) on a surface
dominant session elements: natural environment
sketches: structure(s)
sketches: structure(s) on a surface
sketches: subject(s)
sketches: subjects(s) on an outside base surface
sketches: sloping or peaking base surface(s)
sketches: extensive foliage