The Farsight Institute

Remote viewing is a controlled and trainable mental process involving psi (or psychic ability). It is used to transfer perceptual information across time and space. Remote-viewing procedures were originally developed in laboratories funded by the United States military and intelligence services and used for espionage purposes. The Farsight Institute is a nonprofit research and educational organization that is dedicated to understanding the remote-viewing phenomenon through the process of scientific experimentation. It is our belief that a more complete understanding of the remote-viewing phenomenon will have collateral benefits for much of science and society.

The Most Advanced
Remote Viewing on the Planet!


Farsight is grounded in science, the science of tomorrow. Remote-viewing data are verifiable by statistics and direct observation, the same way data in biology and medicine are evaluated. Double-blind and instrument-blinding protocols are used to ensure that the data of the remote viewers are not influenced by external factors.


Farsight is committed to teaching people how to increase their perceptual capabilities. Some want to enhance their abilities to navigate daily life activities, and others want to become world class remote viewers. Whatever your goal is, Farsight is there to guide you, and to show you the heights of possibility.


Farsight trained remote viewers work to demonstrate the extreme possibilies of remote viewing. Our viewers go where no human has gone before, across time, across space. There are no limits. Farsight does not wonder if there is evidence of life elsewhere in the galaxy. We study the life, watch its wars, examine its dramas, and analyze its threats to humanity. No where on Earth is there more drama and excitement than in our Farsight Mysteries Projects.


Farsight is committed to verifying all of our discoveries. Concrete examples matter. When our remote viewers perceive extraterrestrial space craft in Earth's atmosphere, we also teach people how to make video recordings on demand of those space craft. We do not ask you to believe us. We show you the evidence, and we show you how to replicate that evidence. This is science, not mysticism. Farsight is data driven. We show you proof of what we do, and we do not use the word "proof" lightly.


Our full projects can be found on our streaming service:, and you can watch our projects on your computer, your phone, or cast to your flat panel TV using our free apps: Android ("Farsight" in Google's Play Store) and Apple ("Farsight TV" in Apple's App Store). Our full projects reinterpret the history of humanity. What you learn in school is not correct. We do not rely on what others tell us. We use only our own direct observation, using remote viewing and our cameras. We only ask that you look at the data yourself, and make up your own mind.

Scientific Remote Viewing®, SRV®, and Farsight® are internationally registered service marks of Farsight, Inc. The Farsight ProtocolsSM is a service mark of Farsight, Inc. Session Analysis Machine™ and SAM™ are trademarks of Farsight, Inc.
This entire site is Copyright © 1996-2024 Farsight, Inc. All rights reserved.