Return to the Galactic Federation

I want to thank you all for allowing me another opportunity to address this august body. Since I last spoke with you, our group of remote viewers at Farsight, humans based on the prison planet, Earth, have spent a great deal of time investigating approaches to eliminating the Reptilian and Orion influences on that planet. We have explored the past, the present, and possible futures. We have seen first hand how the Reptilian and Orion alliance duped human leadership into signing agreements that allowed them unfettered access to Earth and its people. We also know that a primary reason for pursuing such agreements was to forestall any attempts by the Galactic Federation of Worlds to intervene in their exploitive activities. If they had a legal agreement between human leadership on Earth and themselves to conduct their activities, on what basis would the membership of the Galactic Federation of Worlds challenge this? The Reptilian and Orion alliance then used those agreements to establish a foothold on the planet that appeared to be legally embraced by human leadership. This foothold has been exploited far beyond any original parameters or expectations conceived of by the original human leadership who signed those agreements, and now the current human leadership has been so thoroughly corrupted by the resulting oppressive system that they have become a great liability for humanity.

Let us be frank. The agreements signed by the Reptilian and Orion alliance with traditional human leadership are a total sham. They were made under false pretenses. The naive human leadership was tricked into signing any agreement, regardless of the cost, due to possible military threats from deadly enemies who had access to advanced weaponry. The human leadership was totally unaware that it was the Reptilian and Orion alliance itself that set up those military threats to scare the human leadership into signing the agreements. There was absolutely no truthfullness or transparency involved in the negotiations. There has also never been a publication of the agreements to the general human public, and extreme efforts are made to this day to prevent the human masses on Earth from even knowing that extraterrestrials of any sort exist, let alone extraterrestrials who exploit humanity ruthlessly for selfish reasons. Secrecy has always been, and continues to be, the primary means of securing continued control over Earth's population. That, plus the amnesia system that robs all beings on Earth of their memories as they cycle between lives, are the two primary means of maintaining Earth as a prison.

Friends, if I may call you that, for I know that the majority of your members want to dismantle the Earth prison system and liberate the billions of slaves who are confined there. Friends, we need a new approach. Nothing lasts forever. Nothing. Eventually the walls of the Earth prison system will come down. However, what will be the state of humanity when that happens? If the beings imprisoned on Earth are left to rot for thousands of years more, how will they feel about the galaxy as a whole, and even the Galactic Federation of Worlds? How will those beings reintegrate into galactic life after being tortured ruthlessly for millennia upon millennia, with no one lifting a finger to come to their assistance? Will they re-enter galactic life with unfettered rage? Will they seek revenge upon the entire galaxy. No one can deny that this huge population has been abused unconscionably, and the perpetrators are not few, nor are they limited to only one part of the galaxy. You cannot kill the beings imprisoned on Earth. So eventually, eventually, they will be at your doorstep. And then what will happen?

Humanity must evolve from the Earth prison planet to become constructive and positive contributors to a beneficial galactic future. As the galaxy slowly emerges from the holocaust of the past million years under the repression of the Old Empire, humanity will play a role one way or another. Without guidance or friends, their rage may consume them to the detriment of all. But with some guidance and friendship from the Galactic Federation of Worlds, Earth humans can become unique and valued allies. The time is right to shape humanity's future such that it is characterized by a deep and abiding friendship with this body. The oppressive forces are relatively weak now. Now is the time to act.

The time is now for an intervention to take place to release that population from their prison. The time is now for that population to know that there are many in this galaxy who oppose how they have been treated, how they have been kidnapped, tortured, taken from their homes and families, and thrown into a planetary torture chamber that is designed to last indefinitely without hope of escape. The time is now that humanity needs to know that the Galactic Federation of Worlds fights for their freedom, for their liberation, for their dignity as beings in this universe. The time is now for all of humanity to know that they stand not alone against galactic tyranny. Humanity needs to know that it has friends in this galaxy, friends who are willing to sacrifice themselves for the greater good of the oppressed masses.

Yes. I know that your hearts are in the right place, but I am also aware that the military capabilities of the Galactic Federation of Worlds might not be enough to be victorious against the combined militaries of the Reptilians and the Orions. Although they are allies of convenience who seek to exploit humanity for their own individual purposes, they nonetheless still have significant collective military capacity in the vicinity of Earth. But you also know that both the Reptilians and Orions never fight for principles. They fight for profit and gain. And as with all such enemies, they do not fight when the odds are against them. Those who fight for principles are by definition brave. Those who fight for personal gain are by definition cowards. If they believe they can emerge from the shadows and attack and steal, only to return to the shadows unscathed with their plunder, then they will gladly fight. But convince them that their chances are slim in a serious military confrontation, and they will run back into the shadows. It is the way of cowards. Their weakness is their lack of principles on which to base their actions, and their existence.

So I come before you today to announce to you that the group of humans with whom I work on Earth, Farsight, have approached another group with strong military capabilities, the Domain. (RUMBLE) You are all aware of the Domain. You have watched their steady incursion into this galaxy, and their steady yet gradual progress at confronting the Old Empire's fascistic forces. They are relatively new to this galaxy, but they have extensive military capabilities in both this and other galaxies. The Domain will eventually completely demolish the Earth prison system. Indeed, some of its own members are trapped within it. But the Domain is very careful about how quickly it expands. They appear to be careful not to extend their reach beyond their abilities to maintain their control. So while the Domain plans to eventually expand their activities in the neighborhood of Earth's solar system, and then to dedicate sufficient resources to demolishing the prison system, it will take them thousands of years to do this. To my knowledge, no one has ever claimed that the Domain is in too much of a rush to do things. (Rumble and laughter).

Now, the Domain has views of galactic governance that appear very compatible with the egalitarian perspective of the majority of the membership of the Galactic Federation of Worlds. Both the Galactic Federation of Worlds and the Domain could be natural allies. Indeed, I think it important that such an alliance be initiated. As a representative of Earth humans working within the auspices of Farsight's activities, I have requested to the Domain leadership that they accept a request from the Galactic Federation of Worlds for a dialogue, should you wish to contact them in this regard. What we have proposed to the Domain is that they offer themselves as a back-up military force that would supplement a more direct intervention by the Galactic Federation of Worlds on Earth. That is, the military forces of the Galactic Federation of Worlds could intervene on Earth to push out the Reptilian and Orion forces on and near Earth, forces that currently plague that planet. The Reptilian and Orion forces would know that any attempt to seriously challenge the military of the Galactic Federation of Worlds would trigger the Domain military to step in to buttress your side. Knowing that any direct and serious military conflict with the Galactic Federation of Worlds would bring the Domain military into the mix, the Reptilian and Orion forces would know with certainty that they could not win such a battle. So the probabilities of them seriously fighting such a battle is remote. In all likelihood, they will retreat. Using this strategy, the Domain knows that it is unlikely that they will have to actually deploy their forces to Earth's solar system, even though they would remain fully aware that they would do so if needed. Thus, the Galactic Federation of Worlds and the Domain together can defeat the combined Reptilian and Orion forces, or rather, those oppressors can be chased the from the Earth’s solar system, forcing them once again into hiding.

I have suggested to the Domain that this alliance between themselves and the Galactic Federation of Worlds would have huge benefits to both parties. It would greatly shorten the time needed to eliminate the remaining dispersed elements of the Old Empire throughout the galaxy. It would also place the Galactic Federation of Worlds in a much stronger position by having an ally. The emancipation of Earth humans would be an initial step that could lead to a long term alliance between the Galactic Federation of Worlds and the Domain that would benefit both groups in the short term and the long term. We could, collectively, finally end this holocaust that has plagued this galaxy for far, far too long.

So I ask you today, to meet among yourselves, and then act to reach out to the Domain. My understanding is that they will be willing to listen to you. They will be willing to entertain the idea of an alliance between the Galactic Federation of Worlds and the Domain. Indeed, my reading is that they would be eager to establish such an alliance should the conditions be favorable to both sides. Moreover, it is us, Earth humans who have formally requested this from both the Galactic Federation of Worlds and the Domain. The sham agreements that were made secretly between corrupted and tricked traditional human leadership and the Reptilian and Orion operatives are null and void. The agreements have never been approved by any of the Earth’s population, and indeed the Earth’s population has never even been told that the agreements exist, or that the extraterrestrials with whom the agreements were made even exist. The agreements are based on fraud and deceipt, and no such agreements can be considered valid if the affected parties are kept totally ignorant of their content, or even their existence. Under no circumstances can the Galactic Federation of Worlds find any justification in respecting those agreements. Also, nearly all traditional human leadership has been totally corrupted by the Reptilian and Orion manipulative activities, activities that include coercion, bribery, threats, and direct mental influencing, always utilizing intermediaries and secrecy, of course. So nothing positive or truthful can be obtained from traditional human leadership. Moreover, someone is going to have to sort out the issue of removing some or much of traditional human leadership from power eventually, and that includes religious, political, news and media, as well as some economic leadership, since it is impossible for humanity to move forward if traditional human leadership continues to benefit from what they can salvage from the old system of oppression. It is not the role of Farsight or myself to recommend how this should be done, or how extensive this change should be. But clearly someone is going to have to sort that out.

Now, let me address the last major point. Disclosure. The Earth prison system is fundamentally maintained by two elements, information control and the amnesia system that operates between lives. We will have to deal with the technical aspects of the amnesia system after the Reptilian and Orion elements are removed from the Earth's solar system. However, the information control system needs to be addressed now. The first step is for the Galactic Federation of Worlds to reach out to the Domain to enter into negotiations about becoming allies, with the initial joint efforts focused on removing the Reptilian and Orion elements from the vicinity of Earth. So starting the negotiations needs to happen right away. Assuming that some agreement can be reached with the Domain, the second step is to break the information lock on humanity. My own personal suggestion would be that this could occur in the form of a mass and extended sighting of extraterrestrial spacecraft, something that human leadership cannot deny or explain away. That will trigger all that follows. Some strategic and scattered landings with friendly encounters might also be involved. Anything smaller than a worldwide mass sighting will be squashed by the compromised human leadership. The sighting needs to be of sufficient size such that spin control by human leadership will not work. Human leadership will almost certainly initially announce that this is an alien invasion, and they will try to frighten humanity into a state of paralysis. So the sighting would need to be extended enough to dispel those efforts. In general, traditional human leadership must be considered hostile to human emancipation. You must circumvent their abilities to control the information for this to work. In my opinion, under no circumstances should you rely on traditional human leadership to do anything other than to serve their own selfish interests, interests that are closely tied to the continuation of humanity's enslavement. The Galactic Federation of Worlds must guide the discussions and events that follow the mass sightings, sort of in a manner in which a psychiatrist communicates with a patient with a mental illness who is in a deep state of denial. The mass sighting will also probably trigger a reaction by the Reptilian and Orion operatives, and this is the point at which you would need to engage your military.

Again, these are only my suggestions. You will have to make up your own minds as to the most viable strategy to pursue. Obviously, I cannot force you to do this in any single way. But as a human living on Earth, this is what I think needs to happen for the situation on Earth and in the galaxy to move forward. Let me repeat and emphasize one final thought. You cannot rely on traditional human leadership for anything at all. If you expect anything helpful from them, you will almost certainly be disappointed. Nothing good can come from them, since they all profit from a continuation of the status quo. They are enablers of the slavery system, collaborators with the oppressors of humanity, sometimes unknowingly as victims of mental manipulation, but often simply following the reward system that has been set up for them. They have absolutely no true authority to speak for humanity due to the fact that their actions and their rise to power have been so carefully orchestrated by Old Empire operatives, with or without their conscious knowledge. They should not be relied on as actual human leadership by any extraterrestrials who want to assist humanity in ending human imprisonment. You need to bypass them, at least initially, and perhaps for the long term as well, until new leadership can be established that is no longer dependent on the Old Empire reward system. I am not certain how this will work out, and perhaps you have experience in dealing with populations whose leadership has been compromised. Ultimately, you will have to sort out who you wish to deal with, or rather, how you wish to interact with humanity.

Friends, everyone in the galaxy is watching what happens on Earth right now. This is a play that must have a final act that gives real hope not just to humans on Earth, but also to every being who has lived through this holocaust that has dominated galactic life over the past million years. I am not asking you to help just humanity. Everyone in the galaxy needs to see this act of emancipation happen. Consider who is asking this of you. Humans born and raised on Earth from within the prison system itself, myself and others at Farsight, overcoming the social and cultural blocks that inhibit free thought and liberty, rising up, gaining a significant mass following, and then reaching out across the galaxy to formally request intervention. We have circumvented all traditional human leadership in reaching out to you today. The fact that we are here is the only authority that is needed for us to ask for your assistance. Everyone who reaches out to you of their own free will and as a result of their own efforts to be free has the right to represent those who remain imprisoned. So, in every literal sense of the word, we formally request that you assist humanity in this moment of peril. This is a moment with great potential, with eyes across the galaxy watching everything that everyone here and elsewhere does that relates to the final emancipation of this galaxy from oppression that has far too long sought to crushed the spirit of all that is. Now is the moment to act. Now is the moment to redirect the galactic timeline to one with a great and hopeful future. If we act now with forceful determination, everywhere across time and space, people will say, if humans on Earth can obtain their freedom, then everyone everywhere can do it too. Send that message throughout the galaxy, through your thoughts and actions. The entire universe will know and feel what we do today. Nothing can stop us from succeeding if we act now with clarity and resolution. Let that be our intent. Let that be our destiny.

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