We do two basic things at Farsight. First, we conduct the highest quality remote-viewing studies available anywhere in the world that investigate scientific questions and historical mysteries. Directly below you will find videos that will give you an idea of the types of things we do and think about at Farsight. You will also find videos that explain why colleges and universities should be interested in what we do, and how we can offer physical proof that what we are saying is correct. We do not use the word "proof" lightly.
Our full projects can be found on our streaming service: FarsightPrime.com, and you can watch our projects on your computer, your phone, or cast to your flat panel TV using our free apps: Android ("Farsight" in Google's Play Store ) and Apple ("Farsight TV" in Apple's App Store). Our full projects reinterpret the history of humanity. What you learn in school is not correct. We do not rely on what others tell us. We use only our own direct observation, using remote viewing and our cameras. We only ask that you look at the data yourself, and make up your own mind.
The second thing we do is to show people how to reliably make video recordings on demand of UAPs/UFOs. These extraterrestrial crafts nearly all use stealth tech to hide themselves from Earth humans. But we have found a way to evade that stealth tech, and we want to show everyone how to do that with your own cameras.
If you want to see a sample of the UAP/UFO videos that we routinely make with our own cameras, you can visit the following Instagram page: courtneybrownfarsight. If you want to understand what is behind all the UAP/UFO phenomena as well as many other mysteries, then watch our projects on FarsightPrime.com .