Multiple Universes RV Project
Target for sessions completed in August 2009 predicting an event in September 2009
Target writer: Lyn Buchanan
Target chosen on 5 October 2009
13th Annual Oktoberfest at Holloman Airforce Base in Alamogordo New Mexico / Saturday, 26 September 2009
The target is the 13th Annual Oktoberfest at Holloman Airforce Base in Alamogordo New Mexico. It occurred in September, despite its name of "Oktoberfest." This is a German airforce base, and the Oktoberfest is a time when German culture is on full display. There are a great many people milling about both outside and inside the appropriate hangars where the event is located. A Google Earth picture of the airforce base is shown below showing where the Oktoberfest took place, and there is also a YouTube video that shows the types of activities and some of the surrounding environment. Basically, this target is defined by a great many people milling about, lots of structures (many hangars), lots of noise (there was plenty of music, voices, and announcements), and a great many smells relating to food and drink (a lot of German beer).
Below is a YouTube video of the event:
Here is a Google Earth image of the target area. The location where the Oktoberfest occurred is identified in the image.