Remote Viewing 9/11: A Two-Part Documentary
Project Release Date: 11 September 2014
The 9/11 terrorist attacks in New York and Washington, D.C. in the year 2001 were arguably one of the most disturbing events to happen so far this century. There are many unexplained anomalies associated with these attacks. The number and nature of the anomalies have led a significant and growing number of people to question the official explanation of these events as simply the result of a small band of terrorists known as al-Qaeda led by Osama bin Laden. This investigation takes a fresh look at these events using remote-viewing methods that were originally developed by the U.S. military and used for espionage purposes. The two primary events examined here are (1) the destruction of the World Trade Center in New York, and (2) the attack on the Pentagon. Both attacks took place on the same day.
Official Trailer
You can also watch all the pre-release trailers and shorts for this project here.
Part 1 - The World Trade Center Attacks of September 11, 2001
Part 1, The 9/11 World Trade Center Attacks
Part 2 - The Pentagon Attack and the Organization of Those Who Orchestrated the New York City and Washington, D.C. Attacks
Part 2, the 9/11 Pentagon Attack, and the organization
The 9/11 Controversy
It is useful to identify some of the primary points of controversy regarding the events of 11 September 2001. Here is a useful list of some helpful sources. This short list is not exhaustive, and it only highlights some starting points where additional information regarding the 9/11 controversies may be obtained.
General Contoversy: There are a number of organizations that have published volumes of materials with information and testimony contradicting official statements and explanations regarding the 9/11 events. Here are some places where these things have been organized and aggregated, as well as a useful general statement by a high-ranking military officer who previously held important intelligence positions.
- September 11: The New Pearl Harbor (A great documentary summarizing virtually all of the 9/11 arguments)
- Over 3,000 public figures, scholars, architects, and authorities who have questioned the official 9/11 story.
- A group of aviation professionals and pilots who have collected and analyzed data that that conflict with the official story
- Brief statements summarizing many of the contested points
- Witnesses to the Twin Towers destruction who report explosions during the collapse
- Irregularities and impossibilities reported regarding phone calls from 9/11 planes
- Hollywood getting involved 1
- Hollywood getting involved 2
- Statement by U.S. Major General Albert Stubblebine
Building 7 Controversy: The question is whether Building 7 collapsed due to a controlled demolition, or whether it collapsed due to an office furniture and diesel fuel fire. Here are two documentaries that focus on this issue.
- Architects & Engineers: Solving the Mystery of WTC 7. This 15 minute documentary hosted by Ed Asner summarizes all the basic issues involving the collapse of this WTC 7 building. Many experts speak out about how this building was brought down as a result of controlled demonlition. See also this link.
- 9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out. This is the 1 hour version of this documentary that was broadcast on PBS about the collapse of WTC 7. Here is the full version that is 1 hour and 37 minutes long. Many experts speak out about how this building was brought down as a result of controlled demonlition.
- Video compilation of the collapse of WTC
The Remote-Viewing Data
Blind Conditions for All Remote-Viewing Data: All remote viewing for this project (as with all projects conducted at The Farsight Institute) was conducted under totally blind conditions. The viewers were told nothing about the project or specific targets while they were conducting their remote-viewing sessions. They were only instructed by a non-leading email that there is a target, and that they should remote view it. To understand the differences between an operational project such as this one and a strictly scientific project (such as our Multiple Universes Project), see the discussion on our Mysteries Project main page.
A Note About the Quality of the Remote Viewing for This Project: This is clearly an important project in the history of remote viewing. The mysteries surrounding the 9/11 terrorist attacks have been the focus of endless speculation. Thus, the quality of the remote viewing for this project is of ultimate concern. The two remote viewers participating in this project, Dick Allgire and Daz Smith, are arguably among the very best remote viewers on the planet currently. They have long and well-documented public track records for remote viewing, a great deal of which is available to see on the web site for The Farsight Institute in projects spaning many years. The quality of the remote-viewing sessions for this project is absolutely stellar. These are not sessions containing vague impressions that suggest possible target contact. Rather, these remote-viewing sessions are clear representations of the targets, both verbally and with unambiguous drawings. People are encouraged to both read all of the session summaries for this project, but also to closely examine each page of the individual remote-viewing sessions to fully appreciate the quality of these remote-viewing efforts in terms of accuracy, as well as the breadth and depth of the perceptions. The most profound data for this project can be found in the video sessions for this project.
Other Viewer Participation: Prior to beginning this study, it was certain that the remote-viewing data obtained by Daz Smith and Dick Allgire would be featured in the presentation of our final project results. That is, their participation in this project was pre-arranged contractually before any remote viewing was conducted for the project. We have full public track records for these viewers, and they are trained to conduct their sessions live on video, which was a requirement for this project. But as with some previous Farsight projects, we continued our practice of encouraging other people to participate informally by sending in sessions. We have no expectations with respect to quality for these submissions, and there is no expectation on our part that these submissions will be included in our final results. We normally do not have public track records for the informal participants who submit sessions. This is an "outreach effort" on our part aimed at helping others improve their remote-viewing skills. We spend time looking through their sessions and giving them target feedback at the end of the data-collection period. If someone does really great work, we will also encourage them to learn how to conduct their sessions while being recorded live on video. Thus, formal participation in our current projects is "performance based." Others are invited and encouraged to participate informally, but formal participation requires adequate demonstrated performance in prior projects, and such formal participation is usually pre-arranged contractually prior to the beginning of a new project. People who are participating in our projects informally are seen to be working toward eventual formal participation once performance criteria are met. It does does not reduce the scientific validity of our projects when we do not include the work of informal participants in our published findings on our web site. Moreover, informal participants are free to publish their sessions on their own web sites, and we want them to share their experiences and growth.
The Remote-Viewing Targets
For this project, the above photograph is used to define some of the targets for this project, and it is referenced below as "figure 1." Original photo credit: Jeff Mock (from Creative Commons of Wikipedia). The above photo is derivative of the original photograph.
For this project, the above photograph is used to define some of the targets relating to the 9/11 Pentagon attack, and it is referenced below as "figure 2." This photo is in the public domain (from Creative Commons of Wikipedia).
NOTE: There are seven targets for this project, Targets 10a through 10g. They are summarized below. Links to the full target definitions are also found below.
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