Origin of the Moon

"Wouldn’t you like to know where the Moon came from, how it came to be in orbit around the Earth?"

Wouldn’t you like to know where the Moon came from, how it came to be in orbit around the Earth? Well, you are about to find out. The prevailing theory of the origin of the Moon in mainstream science is the giant impact hypothesis. This hypothesis proposes that a very large body, possibly the size of Mars, crashed into the Earth billions of years ago. There is no solid evidence of such a thing actually happening, obviously, since no one has historical records going back that far. It is just an idea that some mainstream scientists came up with, and people sort of went along with it. But the truth of the matter is that mainstream science has no idea where the Moon came from. The Earth is an 8000 mile diameter ball of liquid rock with an 8 mile thin crust, like a balloon filled with water. And what happens when you pop a balloon filled with liquid? If you crashed a Mars size body into a liquid ball, even if it had a thin crust, you almost certainly would blow up the planet. The idea that a huge glob of molten rock would have neatly lifted up and formed the Moon is more than a little stretch. But the Moon is really large compared with the other moons typical of other planets, especially considering the size of Earth, which is much smaller than, say, Jupiter or Saturn. A Mars size object could crash into Jupiter and throw up a bunch of stuff and not explode the planet. Jupiter has a lot more mass than the Earth, and because of the greater force of gravity with such a large planet, it might be able to survive such an impact more easily that the much smaller sized Earth. So the giant impact hypothesis of the origin of the Moon seems like another nutty idea floated in order to avoid considering some other more uncomfortable ideas. As far as we at Farsight are concerned, we decided to find out how the Moon got to where it is today. And that is what you are going to see today in this video. We now know exactly how the Moon got to where it is now.

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Target: The Moon as it first appeared in the Earth's orbit

Target time: The moment when the Moon first appeared in Earth's orbit


Target: Where the Moon originated from before it was in Earth's orbit

Target time for Focus 2: The time when the Moon was wherever it was before it was in Earth's orbit.

Location Z: Earth from 500 miles above the surface


Target: Earth at the time when the Moon first appeared in the Earth's orbit

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