Young people are the future of our world and species. They need to know about remote viewing, and they need to know how to do remote viewing. They need to know that remote viewing is relevant to their lives. Young Masters will lead this world to a better place. Support them. Wish them well. Check back with this page often. New sessions are added regularly.
The following sessions are recorded live on video. Each video session is preceded by one-half hour of meditation, and a paper and pen session using Advanced SRV. The paper and pen sessions normally involve only one pass through Phase 1 (sections A-G) before going to video. The paper and pen sessions are listed below after the links to the video recordings. The viewers are shown the targets only after both the paper and pen as well as the video sessions are totally completed. All video sessions done for training are executed totally solo, which means there is no one except the remote viewer in the room when the videos are recorded.
Training Melena Hall
- The eruption of Mount Etna that occurred during February 2017. All work was done totally solo, and blind to the target.
- Tornadoes ripping through the Midwest U.S. on 28 February 2017. All work was done totally solo and blind to the target.
- The International Space Station and the Atlantis Space Shuttle during their May 2010 encounter. This was done totally solo and blind to the target. This is true for both the paper and pen as well as the video session.
- The inauguration of John F. Kennedy This session was done totally solo and blind to the target. This is true for both the paper and pen as well as the video session.
Training PrinCess Jeaneé
- The 1906 San Francisco Earthquake (There was one paper session preceding this video session. Everything was done totally solo for both sessions.)
- The Pentagon Building, Washington, D.C. (There were two paper sessions for this target that preceded the video session. Here is paper session #1 and paper session #2.)
- The moon Phobos orbiting Mars with the Viking 1 Orbiter (There were two paper sessions for this target that preceded the video session. Here is paper session #1 and paper session #2 that preceded the video session. The paper and video sessions were done solo.)
- The Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, France (Here is the paper session that preceded the video session. All work for this target - paper and video - was done totally solo.)
- The USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay during the Japanese surrender to U.S. at the conclusion of World War II (There were two paper sessions for this target that preceded the video session. The first session was monitored minimally and only during part of the session. The second paper session was done solo. Here is paper session #1 and paper session #2 that preceded the video session. The paper and video sessions were done solo.)
- The Nuclear Descruction of Hiroshima (Here is the paper session that preceded the video session.)
- Space Needle Building in Seattle, Washington (Here is the paper session that preceded the video session.)
Training Aziz Brown
- The 9/11 events in New York City (Here is the paper session that preceded the video session. All work for this target - paper and video - was done totally solo.)
- Pope Francis in St. Peter's Square (Here is the paper session that preceded the video session.)
- The International Space Station (ISS) (Here is the paper session that preceded the video session.)
- The "Face" in Cydonia, Mars (Here is the paper session that preceded the video session.)
- Kobe Earthquake of 17 January 1995 (Here is the paper session that preceded the video session.)
- Golden Gate Bridge (Here is the paper session that preceded the video session.)
- Apollo 17 on Moon (Here is the paper session that preceded the video session.)