The Learning Center Library for Scientific Remote Viewing®
Below is a list of materials available for learning SRV®. We recommend that you go through both the video and audio lessons, which you can find on It is OK to begin with the video lessons first. You need to be at least 18 years of age and of sound mental health to use these materials. Please read our DISCLAIMER policy.
People who want personalized instruction, or to take courses that lead to Farsight® Certification in Scientific Remote Viewing®, can contact instructors here: FARSIGHT CERTIFIED INSTRUCTORS.
There are various styles of Scienfic Remote Viewing®, Basic and Advanced, plus there are specialty version of Scientic Remote Viewing® that are used for special purposes. Basic SRV is styled off of the original military version of remote viewing. Advanced SRV is the style that is used in most Farsight projects. Advanced SRV uses templates.
Lesson 1 Overview (30 minutes):
Lesson 2 Consciousness Settling Procedure (30 minutes):
Lesson 3 Getting Ready & Phase 1 (30 minutes):
Lesson 4 Ideograms, Part I (30 minutes):
Lesson 5 Ideograms, Part II (30 minutes):
Lesson 6 Ideogram Rut, Deductions, and Preparations (30 minutes):
Lesson 7 Session 1 (45 minutes):
Lesson 8 Session 2 (45 minutes):
Lesson 9 Phase 2 (30 minutes):
Lesson 10 Phase 3 (30 minutes):
Lesson 11 Session 3 (45 minutes):
Lesson 12 Session 4 (45 minutes):
Lesson 13 Phase 4, Part I (30 minutes):
Lesson 14 Phase 4, Part II (30 minutes):
Lesson 15 Session 5 (60 minutes):
Lesson 16 Session 6 (60 minutes):
Lesson 17 Session 7 (60 minutes):
Lesson 18 Session 8 (60 minutes):
Lesson 19 Session 9 (60 minutes):
Lesson 20 Session 10 (60 minutes):
Lesson 21 Session 11 (60 minutes):
Lesson 22 Session 12 (60 minutes):
Lesson 23 Session 13 (60 minutes):
Lesson 24 Session 14 (60 minutes):
Video Lesson 1: Ideograms
Video Lesson 2: Advanced SRV Phase 1
Video Lesson 3: Transistence - Training the Young Masters
Remote Viewing 101: A Complete Lesson in Advanced SRV by Aziz Brown
Video Lessons
- Farsight Video Lesson 1 on Ideograms and Probing (BEGIN HERE. Appropriate for Basic and Advanced SRV)
- Farsight Video Lesson 2 on Phase 1, Parts A through F of Advanced SRV
- Farsight Video Lesson 3 (Transistence: The Young Masters – Long Version with Complete Advanced SRV Lesson)
- Remote Viewing 101 (by Aziz Brown)
Audio Lessons
- Farsight Voyager SRV® audio course is a widely utilized 24 lesson, 18 hour intensive course in remote viewing is without parallel anywhere. Begin today!
Printed Materials - Basic SRV
- Scientific Remote Viewing® Textbook: This is a complete written text that explains all aspects of the procedures used in Basic SRV®. This is a great companion to use with the Farsight Voyager SRV® audio course. Instructions for Enhanced SRV® and Advanced SRV® are also included.
- The Monitor's Template for Basic SRV®.
- The Definition of SRV®
- Remote Viewing Vocabulary List
- Basic Ideogram Words
- SRV Affirmation (Read before a remote-viewing session. Here is a text version.)
Printed Materials - Advanced SRV
- Advanced SRV Template (printable, short version)
- Advanced SRV Printed Instructions
- SRV Vocabulary for Describing Target Elements (Memorize these words for describing things.)
- Advanced SRV Notes (Keep nearby when doing sessions.)
- Farsight Telepathy Template
Target Pools
- Target pool A for practice sessions.
- Target pool B for practice sessions.
- Target pool C for practice sessions.
Miscellaneous Materials
- Obtain random target coordinates to use with your own remote-viewing session.
- A target management and data analysis program (Session Analysis Machine, or simply SAM) is available for all operating systems. The program can be used to supply random target coordinates, manage lists of targets, assign target coordinates to targets in a list for subsequent blind viewing, perform extensive statistical analyses of remote viewing sessions, as well as many other things. Go to SAM.
- Manual for using SAM.
- The Prometheus Protocols (For setting up your own experiments)
- Farsight Meditation. Please note that Farsight Meditation is performed before doing all remote viewing sessions at Farsight. Remote viewing works well only if your mind is settled.
College-Level Background Materials
- College and University Educational Materials: Remote viewing is now a sufficiently mature field for the subject to be taught at the college and university levels. Here are resources that can assist professors in planning their courses.
- Complete syllabus for a stand-alone course in remote viewing focusing on RV theory as well as RV military and scientific applications history.
- Remote-viewing bibliography (RV only)
- Physics and mathematics bibliography (relevant to remote viewing)
- Reviews of many popular remote viewing books (external link)